Whatever Happened



Ben and Bex navigate the world of nostalgia via the TV shows, bands, fads and people we used to know and love.


  • Whatever Happened: Pogs

    24/08/2015 Duration: 25min

    Ladies and Gentlemen, we present our podcast! Or should that be 'Pogcast'? Yes. Yes it should. Because this is all about the playground's favourite toy, and the saddest story we've ever discussed here on WH- the humble Pog. Can anyone remember how to actually play pogs? Yeah, took us a while too. Tune in and find out, why dontcha?

  • Whatever Happened: Books and Comics

    06/08/2015 Duration: 40min

    Remember checking out the Holy Trinity from your school library? (We're talking Goosebumps, Roald Dahl and Jacqueline Wilson, guys). Well, today we're telling you what happened to the books and stories we knew and loved. Plus, we've chucked in some stuff about The Beano too, because if we're all honest with ourselves we probably read more comics than we did classic novels.

  • Whatever Happened: (Discontinued) Toys and Food

    14/07/2015 Duration: 30min

    Remember those toys you used to play with and those sweets you used to eat? Yeah. Chances are, they've been banned or discontinued. So this week, we're reminiscing about unsellable chocolates, dodgy Barbies and dangerous toy helicopters. Oh, and Pogs. 'Cos everyone loves Pogs.

  • Whatever Happened: Technology

    30/06/2015 Duration: 33min

    The Nokia theme tune! Playing Snake! Using Clippy from Microsoft! Checking the weather on Ceefax! Keeping your tamagotchi alive! All totally redundant technological things, right? WRONG. Well, kind of. In this podcast, we find out about the tech of the recent past, and how useful it may still be...

  • Whatever Happened: Video Games

    12/06/2015 Duration: 30min

    A (very loose) history of video games we've loved and (not really) lost. Think Tetris, Super Mario and The Sims. Fair warning- this episode is 30% sound effects and 70% Ben explaining video games to Bex.